Thursday, 16 June 2011

Final week

My plan for this week was to finish things off but as I decided to add another layer to my painting which will take the form of a screen print, I have not quite finished yet. I wanted my work to be clearer and crisper and more professional. I hope it will make it stand out more. The screen print will add the text to the image. It has a home-made and in precise feel which is important because it will question the viewer to stop and think about the meaning of the words and my work; the home made feel to the words shows spontaneity and anger or frustration. I thought very carefully about the words to select those that would represent this.

So far the screens have been prepared although it hasn't yet been printed onto the canvas. This has been frustrating as I have been waiting for about 2 weeks to be able to do this. I will not be able to hang them until they are done. I am not overly concerned as I know I am capable of getting the job done.

Whilst I have been waiting I have finished one of my flickers. The flickers are something that people can identify with clearly as a childhood game. I decided to change the game to have a more poignant meaning and make a link to my intended audience. They know the game and how to play it, but the difference is that my version has a meaning and references current events. Most people avoid facing what is going on and I am trying to challenge the rose tinted view. They contain images and comments that are pointedly quite barbed and poignant to make people face up to what is going on today. People have said they are quite fun and want to interact with them which I think is good. I hope this will encourage interaction. One is more fun, whilst the other has a more poignant message. The text is extremely important because it attempts to drive home what actually confronts people.

Making the flickers

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